Head Table Hospitality

Venue Consulting


Bring Direction and Clarity Back to Your Operation


We’re living in a time of continuous change and rapid growth, as a result the needs and preferences of new couples are always shifting. Between marketing, social media, online presentation, sales, and a myriad of other elements it’s difficult to keep up with the trends - especially when trying to balance different generations and the things that they find valuable.

As an owner or operator you need to stay focused on what you do best, and you may not have the time to spend dozens of hours a week researching and implementing changes. On top of that, the economy is in a dip and the market is becoming more and more saturated by the week, with new venues seeming to pop up everywhere. In order to stay competitive you must be able to adapt, and you must be able to identify the elements of your business that require attention. So what’s the solution?


How We Can Help

Head Table’s Consulting Services will point you in the right direction and will give you a clear look at the changes that need to be made. At the end of our consultation process you’ll receive a full report grading each element of your venue’s operation, outlining the tips, suggestions, and changes that will keep you competitive in your local market.

You’ll receive insight into the following areas of your venue:

  • Brand Identity

  • Marketing Strategy

  • Online Presentation

  • Sales and Booking Process

  • Planning and Event Process

  • Website Design

  • Social Media Presence

  • Phrasing and Tonality

  • Event Day Operations

  • Pricing & Packages

  • Perceived Value

  • And Plenty More

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How Consulting Works


When you first reach out we’ll schedule an initial phone call to disuses your needs, pain points, and to answer any questions you may have. After that we will send you a questionnaire so our team can get familiar with your location. We’ll then dive into all aspects of your venue, both online and in person, to ensure that we have a thorough understanding of your operation. Depending on your needs we might also interview some of your team (with permission), and we may need to attend an event in order to see how your event day processes flow.


We charge a low flat rate for our consulting services, ensuring you gain the necessary insight without breaking the bank. This rate is dictated by the style and size of your venue, as well as the additional services that you offer.


Hands On Assistance

Once we complete the consultation process we will send you a fully comprehensive report grading and summarizing each aspect of our venue. This report will include a rating scale, tips, suggestions, and an outline for the changes that should be made. After you receive this report you can either make the necessary changes yourself, or you can bring us on to assist with these adjustments.

We offer a range of services that vary from just focusing on specific elements like updating your website, outlining a social media plan, and writing new event processes. Or we can step in as an ongoing consultant or venue manager help to elevate your entire operation. Whether you’re just looking for a nudge in the right direction or you need full hands on assistance, Head Table is here to help.


Pull Up a Seat, and Let’s Get Started



Head Table Hospitality

Headquarters Located in South Florida - Service Region: Anywhere

Email: HeadTableHospitality@gmail.com

Phone: 772.214.2511

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