Head Table Hospitality

Partner & Invest


An Industry Akin to a Sleeping Giant


Head Table Hospitality is an industry leader when it comes to new venue design and strategic partnerships. The wedding industry is one of the last few financial frontiers not yet fully capitalized on, offering unending potential to those capable of positioning themselves properly. Generally thought to be recession proof, the industry is valued at $70.5B domestically, and over $220B globally. With that, the market projects a CAGR of almost 13% over the next five years, with a global valuation set to be over $500B by the year 2030.

With such potential, why are so few organizations jumping at the opportunity? There are a list of factors, most of which simply lean on lack of insight. Service based businesses are traditionally difficult to scale, especially those that cater toward individuals. Additionally, we are living through a time of heavy digital advancement, where most service based businesses are set to become obsolete in the near future. However, humans are social creatures, and while virtual events may soon become a “thing”, nothing will replace the magic of an in-person celebration. Ambiguity is a killer, and with that this market remains in the financial shadows. If you take a closer look at the numbers, you start to see the untapped potential that the wedding industry offers.

Innovation is seeing what everyone has seen. Considering what few have considered. And taking action where none have taken action before.
— Chase D. (Founder of Head Table Hospitality)
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Head Table Hospitality offers a series of financial opportunities, some of these include Equity Partnerships, Venture Capital Projects, Long Term Asset Development, and Silent Partnerships. All of which revolve around developing new wedding venues designed to capitalize on local market potential and industry demand. Partner with Head Table to build something new, or explore our catalogue of pre-designed venue projects. Our company is backed by a deep understanding of the industry, long-term experience in the market, and an impressive track record of project success. Driven by a highly skilled team of directors and project managers, Head Table is primed to capitalize on an industry that indicates extreme growth potential and heavy forward momentum in the coming years. We’d love to bring you along for the ride.


Franchise Style Investments

While Head Table does not offer actual franchise options at this time, we do offer the ability to partner and duplicate venue designs that have proven to be highly successful. This approach also results in lower project costs as we’d be utilizing pre-laid plans. Each region will require elemental adjustments, but the core of our designs implement various physical and aesthetic features that have shown to be historically profitable. Most areas have not seen new venue projects that consider overarching market trends, and instead are dotted with traditionally styled banquet halls and hotels. Strike while the iron is hot, and join us in our pursuit of bringing new in-demand venues to market.


Profit & Asset Driven Investments

As we’ve outlined above the industry is marked for extreme growth, with projections indicating that the global market will more than double in value over the next five years. If you’re not interested in hands-on development, then consider investing in something that will yield an above average ROI while also establishing a profitable asset to add to your portfolio. These projects are typically setup with the investor holding a majority ownership of the venue (which exists as a stand alone entity), while also owning the land outright. Throughout the project our team will oversee all stages of development, from inception through to launch. At which point we then implement our Venue Management division to operate the resulting venue - design, development, and operations all under on roof. These projects typically see a full return with profit in under 4 years, and unlike other physical entities wedding venues remain profitable long term as reputation and demand tends to grow with time.


Angel Investments

Consider investing in Head Table Hospitality as a whole. Our company focuses its attention on three main areas of the industry: New Venue Development, Venue Consulting, and Venue Management, all of which have shown to be highly profitable. Operated by a founder who sees what others are missing, and backed by a market that is exploding in growth, now may be the perfect time to join a company set on becoming an industry giant. You may have missed the boat on Google, Amazon, and Facebook… don’t kick yourself for passing on a company that is set on dominating an industry without equal competition.

Blazing a new path, Head Table is Forged From The Financial Fires of Insight and Innovation
— Chase D. (Founder of Head Table Hospitality)

Strategic Partnerships


Head Table offers various styles of strategic partnerships, all of which are focused on the joint development and growth of existing enterprises. Whether that be partnering to take your operation to a larger scale by utilizing Head Table’s experience with logistics, systems, and backend framework implementation. Or introducing new venues to market, allowing you to focus on branding and marketing while we focus on development and growth. Head Table’s team is ready to start the conversation with the goal of establishing a long and profitable relationship. Upon which we will build an unshakable foundation and legacy.

It Has Been Said that one can see further by standing on the shoulders of giants. I prefer to go further by standing on a foundation built by those on the path to becoming giants
— Chase D. (Founder of Head Table Hospitality)
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Pull Up a Seat to The Head Table, and Let’s Talk



Head Table Hospitality

Headquarters Located in South Florida - Service Region: Anywhere

Email: HeadTableHospitality@gmail.com

Phone: 772.214.2511
